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Writer's pictureMatt Reilly

Accessing the ‘Dark Matter’ of the Consumer Universe

For centuries, scientists built theories and models of how the universe worked based solely on what they could see. Doing so was quite logical. After all, the scientific method, both then and now, requires both data and fact-based decision making. And so humans did the best they could to explain their surroundings based on what they could directly observe.

However early in the twentieth century, as technology allowed observation and measurement to become ever more sophisticated, scientists realized that what they could see actually accounted for a fraction of what actually exists. In fact, the more scientists were able to know, the more they realized the vast amount they did not yet know.

In 1933, noted astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky coined a term that has underscored this realization of just how much there is that can not be seen. He called it “dark matter.” Since that time, the prevailing theory holds that what may be seen—the matter and energy represented by atoms and light—accounts for only 5 percent of the total mass and energy of the universe. This means that the total workings of the universe are driven by the remaining 95 percent that is unobservable: dark matter and energy.

That’s all fascinating for astrophysicists. But what’s it got to do with with marketing and commerce?


Well, much like scientists, business people have worked tirelessly to comprehend and systematize the “consumer universe,” which, at times, can seem pretty baffling. The field of marketing seeks to help businesses understand the behavior of their customers. By doing so, marketers and the businesses they serve can better understand why, when and how customers interact with brands, stores and individual products and services.

And like those scientists of centuries past, the best marketing technology available, until very recently, attempted to explain this customer universe based purely on what could be seen: POS information, web search and cookie data, or primitive location-based mobile data, which is predominantly historical and often inaccurate.

While we’ve known for some time that the picture is incomplete, it’s the best those of us in the world of business could do.


A recent study estimated that people interact with web-based services on their mobile devices approximately 2.9 hours per day. If we add to this the 2.2 hours spent on stationary computers and compare it to the number of hours we spend sleeping, we find that the total extent of what is “knowable” about a customer via observable web interactions comes to almost precisely a third. That means that the rest is “dark matter and energy”—the unseen yet critical data and insights as to where, how and why consumers do what they do each day. In short, about two thirds of consumer behavior essentially fell into the category of “unknowable.”

Until now.


With Mogean’s advancements in geospatial location data creation and mobile data analytics, it’s now possible to understand information about your customers in real time…

  • where they are

  • what they’re doing

  • where they are likely to be next

  • their behavior mode and intent

Last-generation mobile technology largely relies on what’s known as a geofence: GPS coordinates or specific beacons that are activated when a customer enters a specific area, for instance a store or restaurant, which has been outfitted with special devices. But once a customer has already entered a locale, it’s very difficult to influence them—especially if the location they’re in isn’t your own. They’ve already decided where they will go, and their intent is often solidified. Not to mention, the available data in such cases is historical by the time it hits the servers, businesses have a difficult time making productive use of it.

Marketers are left guessing.

We invite you to guess no longer.

With next-generation mobile data and predictive analytics, businesses are now able to understand what customers are actually doing, as they do it, and to make more informed decisions. As opposed to the old geofence methods, this brand new technology is geospatial, passively creating ambient data in real time with virtually imperceptible battery drain.

Mogean offers you the ability to collect and analyze powerful and ongoing metadata of this type. That means it is now possible for your global company to make decisions and take action in order to serve your customers as never before, making the most productive use of your investment capital, from manufacturing to retail footprints. There is no better or more complete way to assess, predict and meet the needs of your customers, truly exceeding their expectations.


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